I agree completely. I myself have let in my older refrigerator repair man wearing only my bathrobe. My dick was exposed and twitching. He looked at it, seeing I needed servicing, said "May I?" with a jerking hand motion, and took care of it right there. No further words were needed. I wiped my penis after that full body orgasm, and he went on to check the temperature gauge. I paid him in cash, giving him a $10 tip. He thanked me but said, I already gave him "quite a tip, directly from my tap." It was beautiful.
If anything happening in this video is puzzling to you that just means this is not your specific scene --- nothing wrong with that. But you can believe there are so many guys for whom this video is unbelievably hot. Some of the most popular video categories on these vid sites totally turn me WAY off, so I just don't watch them. But obviously a lot of folks get off on what I can't even sit through and I certainly don't feel compelled why so many people like stuff while I wish I didn't even have to the thumbnails. I think most of these sites do a horrible job keeping vids in their proper categories.